Ayobi Karwan Logistic & Trading Company

Ayobi Karwan Logistics & Trading Services Ayobi Karwan Logistics & Trading is your total logistics and trade solutions of family business with its headquarters in Kabul Afghanistan providing solutions in the areas of global logistics and transportations/ operational and life support services/Vehicle services , parts & services and trade experiences since 2016. Ayobi Karwan Logistics and Trading Company has enough experience in logistics & Trade which it has global business network , such as Dubai, Turkey, China, Tajistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan. Ayobi Karwan Logistics & Trading Company can provide supply global logistics, Goods, solutions to our valued clients in Afghanistan & World Wide. Ayobi Karwan Logistics & Trading Company is able to source and supply goods and provide global logistics and transportations services to and from any part of the world you may need, your logistics and goods supply solution is only on email or phone call away. We have a successful track record and will provide you quality services with professionalism. We are available 24/7 and it would be our pleasure to be at your services.

Logistics & Trading Services


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